Are Icicles on Gutters Cause for Concern?

iciclesThere’s no doubt that icicles can be gorgeous to look at, with their shimmering, glassy formations. Unfortunately, that natural beauty can also lead to serious gutter and roof damage. Why do they form in the first place?  And, are they really that dangerous?


Despite the dramatic appearance, ice columns form in a pretty unordinary way. As you warm your home in the winter months, the heat rises into the rafters, thus heating the roof. The snow then melts and pours down to the gutter. If it is cold enough outside the water refreezes, and drip by drip they form.


Ice damscan form because of the growing icicles, which can back water up into the shingles of your home or even into your ceiling. When it melts there, it can start the growth of mold and mildew.


Before you panic, realize that small icicles are completely normal and are unlikely to cause damage. However, if you see very large and heavy icicles forming along your roof line, you may have cause for concern. Besides potential home damage, there is also the possibility of someone being injured by walking or sitting below the ice behemoths.


To prevent long-term problems, you can take a couple of steps. First, determine where the heat is leaking into your attic.  Heat can escape through recessed lights, attic doors and heating ducts, to name a few areas. Once you have sealed the leaks, add insulation. It’s important to note here that more insulation isn’t always better. Properly installed insulation will provide the most effective results, so make sure it’s installed by a professional.


Second, it’s important to make sure that your attic and roof system are properly ventilated. With adequate insulation and  ventilation, you’ll be better protected from ice dams and large icicles.


If you are seeing gutter damage from icicles or if you see huge ice formations hanging from your roof each winter, it may be time to take action. For help preventing ice dams and protecting your gutter system, contact us at Holloway Gutter. Call or click here for a quote!