Are Your Clogged Gutters Attracting Mosquitoes?

mosquito drinks blood out of man - macro shot

Of the most annoying and hazardous pests to have around a home, mosquitoes are at the top of the list. They make their dwelling place in spots that homeowners might not think to check. Bites made by these bugs itch mercilessly and can be a source of major health problems. A spring gutter cleaning, however, goes a long way in fighting off an invasion of mosquitoes.


Why Clogged Gutters Attract Mosquitoes

These pests love making their home in any standing water that stays put long enough. This is because they are water-dwelling bugs. In the water is where they lay their eggs. It is also where they spend the first few stages of their lives, staying there right through to their pupal stage.


Once the mosquitoes have sufficiently matured, they come out of the water and start their hunt for blood. It is also during this time that they find a mate. After they mate, they return to the water again to lay their eggs. They will go to any source of standing water they can find, whether it be a swamp, a ditch, or clogged gutters.



Health Hazards Caused by Mosquitoes

The problems a mosquito bite can cause do not stop at that bothersome itchy sensation, or the scarring that can be left if the bite is scratched too much. Serious illnesses such as West Nile virus, malaria, chikungunya, dengue, and several others all can be spread by these pests. Many of these conditions are life-threatening.


Some people are allergic to mosquito bites. When these people get infected, they may experience hives, bruising at the bite site, and even anaphylaxis. Those who are not allergic can still experience full-body inflammation from being bitten. Although humans can become increasingly desensitized to the effects of mosquito bites after frequent exposure, this desensitization does not lower their risk of contracting one of the viral diseases these bugs spread.



Gutter Cleaning to Prevent Mosquito Breeding

The best way to ensure mosquitoes do not take up residence in the gutters of a building is to have those gutters cleaned. A spring gutter cleaning will get rid of the standing water that these bugs might otherwise make their home.


Don’t wait to get your gutters cleaned and give us a call! At Holloway Gutter, we know clogged gutters can be detrimental to your home and family so click here for a free quote!