Why Professional Gutter Cleaning Can Improve Your House

Safe gutters

A home can be a massive investment. Not only of money, but time and energy, too. Maintaining a house through repairs, replacements, and renewals can be exhausting—yet necessary. When a house falls into disrepair, it can endanger the lives of those who live inside of it. If you plan on selling your house later in life, failing to keep the house up-to-date can cost you more in the long run when you have to pay for massive fixes. By that point, structural issues might be so bad that the house loses value. It may sound odd, but one of the best ways to keep your house intact is clean your gutters regularly.

Gutters do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to the health of your house. Their main task is redirecting rainwater away from your home’s foundation. Without gutters, rain would be able to fall right off the roof, pooling in the ground around your home’s foundations. Old gutters sometimes fail to redirect water due to cracks or warping. Similarly, clogged gutters can push water out and cause it to fall. A proper gutter cleaning can keep them functioning proper and water off the ground.


Standing water in your yard can lead to a multitude of problems. First, when rainwater pools near your home, that water can seep into your basement. From carpet damage to replacing electronics, this can be a costly affair. Additionally, once it’s leaked into your foundation, your house becomes at high risk for mold and rot. Mold can cause sicknesses or other diseases, while rot can potentially eat away at the very structures keeping your house upright. Finally, standing water can also be the ideal place for mosquitos to lay their eggs.


To save yourself some work, you may want to have a professional like Holloway Gutter come and perform cleaning services. That way, you can relax knowing that your gutters are tak